1/3 Sand 1/3 Water and 1/3 Jiangnan and the Seasonal Birds Attract Tourists

半沙半水半江南 候鸟翔集引客来

The Sand Lake (sand and lake) Resort is composed of 1/2 sand and 1/2 water (photo by drones. Xinhua reporter Wang Peng on April 30th)

半沙半水的沙湖景区(无人机照片,新华社记者 王鹏 4月30日摄)。

On April 30th, the Sand Lake Resort of Ningxia  held the 11th Birding Festival. The Sand Lake has an ecological system consisted of desert, grassland, wetland, and lake, with the reputation of “Top 10 Wetland in China”, which is widely known for its unique nature scenery of half of sand and half of lake.


新华社记者 王鹏 摄

Tourists are entertaining themselves in the Sand Lake Resort. (photo Xinhua reporter Wang Peng on April 30th)

游客在沙湖景区游玩(4月30日摄)。新华社记者 王鹏 摄

The Kites teams of Weifang City of Shandong Province are performing the huge kites flying in the desert for tourists. (photo by Xinhua reporter Wang Peng on April 30th)

来自山东潍坊的风筝团队为游客献上沙漠大型风筝放飞表演(4月30日摄)。新华社记者 王鹏 摄