

FJSEN April 28threport (Fujian Daily reporters. Reporter Lin Hui, correspondents Ouyang Ronghua photo&report) Recently, in the Shengfeng Agricultural Greenhouse of Hui’an County, the farmers are busy with picking the vegetables, and it is a scene of harvest .

东南网4月28日讯(福建日报记者 林辉 通讯员 欧阳荣华 摄影报道) 近日,在位于惠安县的盛丰农业大棚内,农户忙着采摘,一派丰收景象。

In recent years, with the mode of “Cooperative+modern agriculture+tourism of picking fruits and vegetables”, Hui’an County has been adopting green environment-friendly technologies to rapidly develop farming fruits and vegetables in greenhouse, increasing collective economy, and promoting the revitalization of the country. In the first quarter of 2022 , the County has completed a total agricultural output value of RMB 1.143 billion, at a yearly rise of 7.3%.
