The Area of Wetland in Fuzhou Took First Place in Districts and Cities of Fujian


On April 29th, a series of activities are initiated for the 20 years practical work of preservation of the Wetland in Min River Estuary. It becomes the hot search of the activities in terms of exploring the new concept and method in protecting and utilizing the wetland. It is well known that the beauty of wetland is different from the grand scale of great river, ocean, river and stream, in its ease and placidity.  


The birds dwelling in the wetland of Min River Estuary. (photo by reporter Lin Shuangwei)


Red Beach of Xinhua Bay in Fuqing City (photo by reporter Lin Shuangwei)

福清兴化湾的红海滩 (林双伟/摄)

Tajiaozhou Wetland Park of Minhou County, Fuzhou(photo by reporter Lin Shuangwei)

塔礁洲湿地公园 (林双伟/摄)