Trip over May Day Holiday


A citizen is having a leisure time with his daughter in People’s Square of Shijiazhuang City on April 30th. It’s the first day of May Day holiday. Photo by reporter Luo Xuefeng of Xinhua  


新华社记者 骆学峰 摄

Tourists are travelling in front of the Senado Store in Macau on April 30thIt’s the first day of May Day holiday.

Photo by reporter Zhang Jinjia of Xinhua 

 4月30日,游客在澳门议事亭前地游览。当日是“五一”假期第一天。新华社记者 张金加 摄

Panda “Gong Gong”is enjoying delicious foods in Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park of Haikou City, which attracts a lot of attention from tourists.  It’s the first day of May Day holiday.Photo by reporter Yang Guanyu of Xinhua  

 4月30日,在位于海口的海南热带野生动植物园,大熊猫“贡贡”享用美食,吸引了游客的目光。当日是“五一”假期第一天。新华社记者 杨冠宇 摄