Changtai Region: Accelerating the Development of the Cultural and Tourism Industry with 12 Recommended Measures

福建长泰力推12条措施 加快文旅产业发展

A photo of the opening ceremony of the Travelling Carnival on April 29th. Photo by Xiao Heyong of Xinhua 

这是4月29日拍摄的旅游嘉年华活动启动仪式。新华网 肖和勇 摄

Xinhua Fuzhou April 29threport from Changtai (Reporter Xiao Heyong) The establishment of a special fund for the development of the cultural and tourism, with an annual investment of 8.5 million; encouragement to  establish Class A travel resorts, at a maximum of 1.5 million bonus; support the development of travelling residence industry, at a maximum of one million bonus...


At the conference of the 2nd Regional Travelling Development of Changtai Region of Zhangzhou City of Fujian Province on April 29th, Changtai Region managed both the COVID-19 control and prevention and the economy and social development and released 12 measures to overcome difficulties, in order to build famous healthcare resorts of the cultural and tourism, to accelerate the establishment of demonstration areas with ecological tourism throughout Fujian Province.


Accordingly, the 12 measures cover 3 avenues, i.e. speeding up the cultural development, strengthening cultural relics protection, and promoting tourism development.
