Fujian Province Firstly Released Top 50 Software and Information Technology Service


Fujian released Top 50  Software and Information Technology Service in Fuzhou 2021. Photo is provided by Publicity Department of Gulou District of Fuzhou City

2021年福建软件与信息技术服务业50强在福州发布 福州市鼓楼区委宣传部供图  

(photo is at the courtesy of FJSEN 图片来源 东南网)

Yesterday(April 28th) Fujian Province released Top 50 Software and Information Technology Service in Fujian 2021, which is the 1st time to initiate assessment on the competence of software corporations in Fujian.  The corporations of Meiya Pico, Yealink, Linwell, BMC Software, Fujian Rongji Software, Istrong are on board. In the list, there are 27 of them located in Xiamen, 22 in Fuzhou, 1 in Quanzhou, which covers the realm of the industry’s app. , big data, integrated circuit design, industry network, movable network, information communication, digital cultural Creativity. (reporter Lin Kan)

    昨日,2021年福建软件与信息技术服务业50强发布,这是我省首次开展软件企业竞争力评价。美亚柏科、亿联网络、南威软件、博思软件、榕基软件、四创科技等50家企业上榜。上榜企业中,厦门27家、福州22家、泉州1家,涵盖行业应用软件、大数据、集成电路设计、工业互联网、移动互联网、信息通讯、大数据、数字文创等领域。(记者 林侃)