Q1 Fujian Province Actual Use of Foreign Capital at an Yearly Rise of 39.9%


The favorable business circumstance attracted many foreign businessmen of Brics countries to come and invest. Photo by Reporter Chen Lijie.

厦门优良的营商环境吸引金砖国家客商前来投资。记者 陈理杰 摄

(photo is at the courtesy of FJSEN 图片来源 东南网)

On April 25th, reporter acquired from Department of Commerce of Fujian Province that the first three months of this year, Fujian actual use of foreign capital is RMB 19.5 billion, at a yearly rise of 39.9%, which accomplished 48.2% yearly task, and 23.2 % ahead of schedule, and successfully realized “A Good Start”. In Q1, there are 31 big projects funded over 100 million, in which the re-investment of foreign corporations interests has became a new rise. (reporter Lin Zhilan)

25日,记者从省商务厅获悉,今年一季度,全省实际使用外资190.5亿元人民币,同比增长39.9%,完成全年目标任务48.2%,超序时进度23.2个百分点,顺利实现“开门红”。一季度,我省有31个到资亿元以上大项目,外资企业利润再投资成为新增长点。(记者  林智岚)