Fujian Port Group Opened the Container Maritime Line “Xiapu Sansha--Fuzhou Jiangyin”


Yesterday(April 28th), the first cruise ceremony of the container maritime line“Xiapu Sansha--Fuzhou Jinagyin”of Fujian Port Group is held in the 3000-ton dock in Xiapu Sansha.(photo by Reporter Zhu Shigang)

昨日,福建港口集团“霞浦三沙—福州江阴”集装箱航线首航仪式在霞浦三沙3000吨级码头举行。(通讯员 朱世刚 摄)

Recently, Xiapu County has actively connect the extension of four main industries of Ningde City, the regular development of dominant industries like Food Processing and new energy, and the industries of the high-end equipment manufacturing, mold processing, auto spare parts production, etc. is extended and elevated from the traditional  industries of stainless steel, auto and motorcycle accessories, synthetic leather, bamboo processing, etc. Meanwhile, the fields of aquaculture and Cold Chain Logistics, etc. have been developing rapidly. The open of the container maritime line will provide efficient logistic support for the development of the industries. (Journalist Fang Chenchun; photo by Reporter Zhu Shigang)

近年来,霞浦县主动对接宁德四大主导产业纵向延伸,食品加工、新能源等主导产业有序发展,不锈钢、汽摩配件、合成革、竹木加工等传统产业向高端装备制造、模具加工、汽车零部件生产等相关产业延伸进阶,同时水产养殖、冷链物流等领域也迅速发展。集装箱航线的开通,将为产业发展提供有效的物流支撑。(记者 范陈春 通讯员 朱世刚 摄)