The Loss of a Master and His Craftsmanship Lasts Forever

匠人驾鹤去 匠心永流传

A large-scale Shoushan stone inscription “Guo Fu Yan Nian”(prosperous country and live long) generated the key to inscription skills of the 3 generations of Feng family.  (photo of FJSEN, provided by the interviewees) 

大型寿山石雕《国富延年》凝聚了冯氏三代的技艺精髓。(图片来源东南网  图片由受访者提供)

The work of Feng Jiuhe “Fan Rong Chang Sheng”(Prosperity)(photo of FJSEN, provided by the interviewees)

冯久和作品《繁荣昌盛》(图片来源东南网  图片由受访者提供)

The work of Feng Jiuhe “Hua Kai Sheng Shi”(a prosperous country)(photo of FJSEN, provided by the interviewees)

冯久和作品《花开盛世》(图片来源东南网  图片由受访者提供)

In Feng Jiuhe’s inscription, the crowd of pigs are having a lot of fun.(photo of FJSEN, provided by the interviewees)

冯久和刻刀下的群猪妙趣横生。(图片来源东南网  图片由受访者提供)

FJSEN April 27threport (Fujian Daily reporter Shu Hongxia) speaking of Shoushan stone inscription, the name “Feng Jiuhe”is a big name in the industry. Since the age of 16, he followed Huang Hengsong, the inheritor of Dongmen School, to learn the art of stone inscription. In decades of years, Feng Jiuhe spent his time on stone inscription, and he skillfully blended natural beauty and artistic beauty together, specifically excelled in “a crowd of pigs””Huge flowers-and-fruits basket””Crane””12 Signs of the Zodiac“ , etc. He was famous for having a good command of inscription on bright colors of the stone, and his work had won national arts and crafts awards, and had been collected by many galleries and museums, and received the honorable title of “China Arts and Crafts Lifetime Achievement Award”. 

东南网4月27日讯(福建日报记者 树红霞)说起福州寿山石雕,“冯久和”这个名字注定是绕不过的。自16岁师从东门流派传人黄恒颂学艺,冯久和一雕一刻就是数十个春秋,他将自然美与艺术美巧妙融合,特别擅长“群猪”“大型花果篮”“仙鹤”“十二生肖”等题材,对寿山石俏色的把握堪称一绝,其作品多次荣获国家工艺美术奖项,并被多个美术馆、博物馆收藏,曾获“中国工艺美术终身成就奖”等荣誉称号。