Digital Economy Calling For Digital Craftsmen


National Model Worker Huang Shuier (left) is instructing tech crew of the Benz company of Fujian Province.

(Zhuang Yan  report/photo)

福建奔驰的全国劳模黄水儿(左)在指导公司技术人员。(庄严 文/图)

FJSEN April 29threport (Fujian Daily reporter Zhuang Yan report/photo) Recently, Fuzhou has started strategy for training digital craftsmen, and Digital Industry College has been established as the extension of Fuzhou College of Craftsman; in the ongoing Man of the Year competition of “Fuzhou Craftsmen”, the performance of the digital craftsmen aroused attention.  

东南网4月29日讯 (福建日报记者  庄严 文/图)近日,福州启动数字工匠培养计划,在福州工匠学院基础上成立数字产业分院;正在进行中的“福州工匠”年度人物评选活动,数字工匠的表现也尤为抢眼。


Digital craftsmen”becomes a popular expression. It specifically covers various aspects, various levels of technological talents of digital economy, including digital talents of the modern stance as well as outstanding front-line tech workers in the realm of digital economy.   


Competition of drones practical skills at the scene (Zhuang Yan  report/photo)

无人机作业技能竞赛现场 (庄严 文/图)

A corner of the welding workshop of Benz company in Fujian Province (Zhuang Yan  report/photo)

福建奔驰焊装车间一角 (庄严 文/图)