
On 28th, “country”date Fuzhou·together “village”travel-- In 2022, the Tourism Season of Beautiful Country is started in Hongxun Community Langqi Mawei Region of Fuzhou, which presented a splendid party of country travel for visitors. The activity is hosted by Fuzhou government, which is to last for 3 months, fully cultivate“Fu (Blessed)”culture in the country, explicitly plan 3 related activities, and actualize “Activities in every week, specialtiesin every village.”In the photo, it is the ceremony for opening. (Photo&report Chi Yuan and Bian Junkai. )28日,”乡“约福州· 一起”村“游--2022福州美丽乡村旅游季在马尾琅岐红蟳公社启动,为游客奉上乡村旅游盛宴。该活动由福州市政府主办,将持续3个月,充分挖掘乡村”福“文化,精心策划三大配套活动,实现”周周有活动,村村有特色“。图为启动仪式现场。 池远 卞军凯 摄影报道