“A Story of the City·Zhongshan Road” is Open in Xiamen City


The artistic installation work “The exhibition of Qilou(traditional overhang buildings) Tower of Time and Space”is completed by Cai Lixiong and Huang Yongqing as an exhibition of the unique Qilou culture of Zhongshan Road.

由著名艺术家蔡立雄、黄永磬合作完成的“骑楼大观 时空之塔”艺术装置作品,诠释中山路独特的骑楼文化。

 (Fujian Daily reporters Lin Zegui and Shi Chenjing photographers/reporters 福建日报记者 林则贵 施辰静 摄影报道)

FJSEN April 21streport(Fujian Daily reporters Lin Zegui and Shi Chenjing photo/report.The scene space of the city -- Xiamen “Cheng Ji Zhong Shan Lu”(“A Story of the City·Zhongshan Road”) is set in the theme of “The Exhibition of Qilou(traditional overhang buildings) and is open to the public on 18thApril. Visitors could “go through space”in 1 second, experience the past-life of the Zhongshan Road of 100 years Qilou Community from the interaction between the lively scene and exhibition, and sense the communion of cultural diversity in the city.

东南网4月21日讯(福建日报记者 林则贵 施辰静 摄影报道)以“骑楼大观”为主题设计的城市场景空间--厦门“城记· 中山路”18日对外开放。人们在此可一秒“穿越时空”,在鲜活的场景与展陈互动中体验百年骑楼街区中山路的前世今生,感受城市多元文化的交融。

“History Corridor”tells the story of great people.  (Fujian Daily reporters Lin Zegui and Shi Chenjing photographers/reporters)

“历史走廊“讲述风云人物的故事。(福建日报记者 林则贵 施辰静 摄影报道)

Miniature scenes re-present the local life of the Qilou Community of Zhongshan Road of Xiamen in Minguo Period.  (Fujian Daily reporters Lin Zegui and Shi Chenjing photographers/reporters)

微缩场景再现民国时期厦门中山路骑楼的市井生活。(福建日报记者 林则贵 施辰静 摄影报道)