Shunchang: Harvest Season for Loquats


Recently, it is harvest time for Shunchang Loquats at the riverside of Jinxi of the upstream of Min River, where at the head of the Loquat trees are loaded with sweet, juicy, huge, thick loquats, and citizens have a good time rwith collecting fruits. The photo is shot on April 24th, in which a citizen is collcting loquats in Huahua Garden of Shunchang Chengguan. (Photo by Chen Baicai  

近日,位于闽江上游金溪河畔的顺昌枇杷迎来采摘季,味甜、汁多、个大、肉厚的果实挂满枝头,让前来采摘的市民大饱口福。图为24日,市民在顺昌城关花花果园采摘枇杷。陈柏材 摄