"The Tropical Forests ” in Boao Forum for Asia


April 21st, visitors are paying a visit at the cultural exhibition of tropical forests “Searching for tropical rainforest, everything in co-existence”(photo on April 21, by Xinhua reporter  Zhang Liyun  )

4月21日,观众在“寻觅雨林·万物共生”热带雨林文化展上参观。(新华社记者  张丽芸 摄)

From April 20th to 22nd, the cultural exhibition of tropical forests“Searching for tropical forest, everything in co-existence”organized by Wuzi Mountain City had been on in the Theme Park of Boao Forum for Asia.


Wuzi Mountain located in the middle of the core of ecological region of Hainan Province, in which the forest cover rate is close to 90%, as a crucial component of the National Park of tropical forests in Hainan Province, 63% land of the city has been involved into the National Park. The Exhibition is in the theme of “Harmony in ecology, Union in nationalities”, a presentation of the National Park of tropical forests in Hainan Province, centered on 3 aspects the panoramic view of animals and plants, culture of Li nationality, Revival of countries, combined tropical rainforest ecology, culture of Li nationality, revival of countries together into 9 yards and 21 rooms for a immersive experienceof rainforest culture.

五指山位于海南省中部生态核心区,森林覆盖率接近90%,是海南热带雨林国家公园的核心组成部分,全市63%的土地面积划入海南热带雨林国家公园。 该展以“生态和谐、民族团结”为主旨,以海南热带雨林国家公园为呈现对象,围绕全景式动植物生态影像、黎苗民族文化风情、乡村振兴蝶变新貌三大主题,将雨林生态、黎苗文化、乡村振兴等内容有机、巧妙地融入公园的9个院落、21个房间里,打造沉浸式的雨林文化体验。

Cultural exhibition of tropical rainforests “Searching for tropical forest, everything in co-existence”. (Photo by Xinhua reporter  Yang Guanyu)

4月21日拍摄的“寻觅雨林·万物共生”热带雨林文化展现场。(新华社记者 杨冠宇 摄)

Visitors are taking photos at the cultural exhibition of tropical rainforests “Searching for tropical forest, everything in co-existence”(photo on April 21, by Xinhua reporter Zhang Liyun ).

4月21日,观众在“寻觅雨林·万物共生”热带雨林文化展上拍照留念。新华社记者 张丽芸 摄