Over 10,000 Acres Industry Zone Across Some Areas in Fuqing City


Recently, The 10,000 acres industry base in BaigeMountaininvested by Fujian Tianma Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. has been put into mass production. The industry aims at building a digital intelligence control of the industry chain of eels park,which is the 1st in the world.  


[photo from the news webpage of FJSEN 图片源自东南网新闻网页]

A sketch of the 10,000 acres base in Baima Mountain by Tianma Science and Technology Group Co., LTD 


Accordingly, the project aims at building a modernized agricultural industry park, the overall area of the park takes up more than 10.000 acres, across Shangjin Town and Yuxi Town, by means of developing a digital intelligence fishing industry whole-process system of industry research, seedlings production, headquarter of fisheries, leisure and cultural tourism, center for intelligence digit, training of the industry, promoting the specialized fisheries to take a path which is ecological, environment-friendly, green, and leading a high-quality development of the modern fisheries to become autonomous,digitalizing,intelligent, and intellectualized. (reporter: Lin Ming)  
