The Annual Meeting of Boao Forum For Asia in 2022 is Ready

On April 19th, a photo of the International Conference Center of Boao Forum For Asia.(Photo by Yang Guanyu)

4月19日拍摄的博鳌亚洲论坛国际会议中心。(杨冠宇 摄)

In 2022, the annual Boao Forum For Asia is about to be held from April 20thto 22nd in Boao, Hainan Province. This year, the theme of this forum is “The Pandemic and the World; Cooperate to empower the worldwide development, and build a shared future.”


On April 19th, a photo of the International Conference Center of Boao Forum For Asia.(Photo by Yang Guanyu)

4月19日拍摄的博鳌亚洲论坛国际会议中心。(杨冠宇 摄)

On April 19th, a photo of Seagull Hall of the News center for the annual conference of the Boao Forum For Asia.(photo by Yang Guanyu) 

4月19日拍摄的博鳌亚洲论坛年会新闻中心海鸥厅。(杨冠宇 摄)