Students’ Sport Activities in Spring

On April 18th, students of Jingxiu School in Qinxi City, Guizhou Province are practising martial arts on the playground.(Photo by Fan hui)

4月18日,贵州省黔西市锦绣学校学生进行武术操练习。(范晖 摄)

In Spring, everything is dynamic. A variety of sport activity have been taken place in schools, at the aim of students’ taking more exercise and improving their physical strength.  


On April 18th, students of Nanyuanlu Elementary School are practising trampoline in Xingtai City of Hebei Province(Photo by Zhang chi)

4月18日,河北省邢台市南园路小学学生在练习蹦床。(张弛 摄)

On April 18th, Students of Shiyan Elementary School are practising Curling on the playground in Neiqiu County Xingtai City of Hebei Province.(Photo by Liu Jidong)

4月18日,河北省邢台市内丘县实验小学学生在操场上练习陆地冰壶。(刘继东 摄)

On April 18th, students of Jingxiu School in Qinxi City, Guizhou Province are practising martial arts on the playground.(Photo by ZhouXiuyuchun)

4月18日,湖南省常宁市源江学校学生在操场上练习武术(无人机照片)(周秀鱼春 摄)。