Cultivate and Make the Desert Green

On April 18th,  in the ecotourism Area of Yin ken Ta La of Datelaqi in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,workers are planting seedlings in biological Tourist Region.(Photo by Wang Zecong)

4月18日,工人在内蒙古自治区达拉特旗银肯塔拉生态旅游区种植沙柳树苗。(王泽聪 摄)

The ecotourism Area of Yin ken Ta La of Datelaqi in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region lies in Kubuqi Desert. Recently, workers have been planting trees for desertification control, in order to cultivate and make the desert green. 


On April 18th,  in the ecotourism Area of Yin ken Ta La of Datelaqi in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,workers are planting seedlings in biological Tourist Region.(Photo by Wang Zecong)

4月18日,工人在内蒙古自治区达拉特旗银肯塔拉生态旅游区种植沙柳树苗。(王泽聪 摄)

On April 18th,  in the ecotourism Area of Yin ken Ta La of Datelaqi in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,workers are planting seedlings in biological Tourist Region.(Photo by Liu lei )

4月18日,工人在内蒙古自治区达拉特旗银肯塔拉生态旅游区种植沙柳树苗。(刘磊 摄)

On April 18th, workers are taking a break during the intervals. (Photo by Liu lei)
