Activities to Cultivate Students’Idea of Ecological Civilization

 On April 19th,students of Xinfeng Shiyan Elementary School in Aishan Community are making hand-made works about environmental protection.(Photo by WenXinyang)

4月19日,爱山街道新风实验小学学生进行环保主题手工制作。(翁忻旸 摄)

As the World Earth Day is approaching, schools of the district have been carrying out activities on the topic of “Hand-in hand Collaboration to Protect Earth Resources”arranged by Aishan Community of Wuxing District Huzhou City of Zhejiang Province. The activities advocates ecological civilization like green & low-carbon to the students, in the means of topic painting, and friendly hand-made works. 


On April 19th, teachers of Xinfeng Shiyan Elementary School are giving a class about environmental protection.(Photo by WenXinyang)


On April 19th, students of Xinfeng Shiyan Elementary School are portraying their painting work about environmental protection.(Photo by WenXinyang)

4月19日,爱山街道新风实验小学学生展示环保主题的画作。(翁忻旸 摄)