China Rolls Out Five-Year Plan on Family Education

A soccer coach teaches a group of girls in Shawan city, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, with the aim of setting up a team for local youngsters. [HU HUHU/XINHUA]

在新疆维吾尔自治区沙湾市,一位足球教练教一个队伍的女学生们,目标是为当地青少年建立一支足球。[HU HUHU/新华网] 

A five-year plan on the guidance and development of family education(2021-2025)has been released by 11 agencies, including the Ministry of Education and the All-China Women's Federation. The ultimate goal is to build a guidance system for family education that serves both urban and rural areas, improve the mechanism of school-family-community cooperative education, and ensure that children can grow up healthy for the fundamental goal of the development of family education in the future,according to the plan.

全国妇联、教育部等11个部门近日印发《关于指导推进家庭教育的五年规划 (2021—2025 年)》,把构建覆盖城乡的家庭教育指导服务体系、健全学校家庭社会协同育人机制、促进儿童健康成长确立为今后一个时期家庭教育发展的根本目标。

By 2025, the number of guidance service providers for family education will be increased substantially, a professional workforce will be formed, and the supply of related social resources will be greater.
