TCM Beneficial in Treatment of COVID-19 by the WHO report

A pharmacist fulfills a Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) prescription at Gansu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Lanzhou, Northwest China's Gansu province, Oct 23, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua] 


Traditional Chinese medicines are beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19, particularly mild to moderate cases, according to a new report released by the World Health Organization.


It also encourages member states to consider the potential use of TCM for thetreatment of COVID-19 in the context of their health care systems and regulatory frameworks.

世卫组织鼓励会员国在其卫生保健系统和监管框架内考虑使用中医药治疗新冠肺炎的可能性。The report came in late March after a WHO Expert Meeting on Evaluation of TCMs in thetreatment of COVID-19 was held virtually from Feb 28 to March 2.

世卫组织中医药救治新冠肺炎专家评估会于2月28日至3月2日以视频会议形式召开。The meeting gathered 21 international experts from the six WHO regions to consider three reports, including on clinicalpractice, research and evidence-based evaluation provided by national expert groups.
