Yongfu Town of Zhangping City: Azaleas Bring Auspicious Year


FJSEN news on Feb. 15th(Fujian Daily reporter Zhang Jie, correspondent Chen Junyi report/photo) Yongfu Town of Zhangping City is The Birthplace of Chinese Azaleas, and potted azaleas takes up 70% of China's azaleas market. In these years, the Town has been making the azaleas market hot by means of the mode of Online+Offline sale. In the photo, the azaleas are arranged in the shape of Chinese character Fu(i.e. Blessings) in Yongfu Town. 

东南网2月15日讯(福建日报记者张杰 戴敏 通讯员 陈俊毅 文/图)漳平市永福镇是“中国杜鹃花之乡”,盆栽杜鹃花全国市场占有率超过70%,近年来该镇通过“线上+线下”方式,让杜鹃花销售大热。图为近日在永福镇拍摄的“福”字造型杜鹃花。