Charming Pingtang Island to Welcome the Auspicious

魅力岚岛 纳福迎祥


At sunset, "Fu Ru Dong Hai Island" (Live with great fortunes) shows a pictureque scenery.


FJSEN news on Jan. 28(report and photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Xia, correspondent Lin Bingbing)As the approaching year of Tiger, the Fu Ru Dong Hai (Live with great fortunes)Island is under construction in Dafu Village of Jinjing Area in Pingtang Comprehensive Experimental Area, which becomes more vigorous.

东南网1月28日讯(福建日报记者 林霞 通讯员 林彬彬 文/图)虎年将至,平潭综合实验区金井镇大福村正在建设的“福如东海岛”,变得更加虎虎有生气。

On Jan. 27th, reporter arrives at Fu Ru Dong Hai Island, what comes into sight is the natural scenery Five Fu(i.e. Blessings) Pond,the green pond is circled by 5 stones, which are carved with Chinese character FU(i.e. Blessings) in 5 different writing styles, i.e. Patrioticism Blessing, prosperity Blessing, generous Blessing, harmonious Blessings, dedication to Job Blessing. Yangyi, Director of Pingtang Fudong Island tourism Co.,Ltd, says with smile,"For example, Benevolent Blessing means we Dafu villagers are kind and hospitable. "
