1st Discovery of Black-faced spoonbills in Yunxiao!


FJSEN Zhangzhou news on Jan 21st(report and photo by correspondent Qiu Yingfang, Huang Guanming, Fang Wei, Fang Minyan) Recently, Fujian Yunxiao Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Forests National Natural Protection Zone collaborted experts of Xiamen University to conduct 3 days investigation over black-faced spoonbills in global sync. The investigation made achievement that it's the first time for investigators to find out two black-faced spoonbills with rings, one of them wears distinctive K18 mark.  

东南网漳州1月21日讯(通讯员 邱蓥芳 黄冠闽 吴秋城 方维 方闽燕 文/图)近日,福建云霄漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区联同厦门大学专家开展了为期3天的全球黑脸琵鹭同步调查,此次调查惊喜连连,监测人员首次发现了两只带有环志的黑脸琵鹭,其中一只带有明显的K18标志。