Pingtan: International Performing Center will Run on Trial, Listen to World Famous Symphony Music at Door 平潭国际演艺中心将试运营,家门口听中外交响乐名曲

The outlook of Pingtan International Performing Center. (Photo by Reporter of Media Convergence Lin Yingshu)

平潭国际演艺中心外景(融媒体记者 林映树 摄)

The Performance of Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra. (Photo provided by the Interviewee)  


Pingtan Times report(Reporter of Media Convergence Lin Binbin) Symphony music rings the night, and orchestra delights the audience. On May 25th, reporter received news from Culture and Tourism Group in Experimental Zone that Pingtan International Performing Center will run on trial on May 28. And the show invited Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra to present “Exclusive Concert of World Famous Symphony Music”, and make Pingtan an island of music and arts.

平潭时报讯(融媒体记者 林彬彬)乐律璀璨,交响悦动。25日,记者从实验区文旅集团获悉,平潭国际演艺中心将于28日试运营演出,邀请厦门爱乐乐团带来“中外名曲专场交响音乐会”,奏响平潭音乐艺术之岛。